LEGACYouth: "It is Done" // Spoken Word

I am one voice, crying out in the dark
Make straight my ways; let light leave its mark
For I am the maker of all things new
What I speak is faithful; my words always true.

I am the good shepherd; I came to give life
So all men could have it…and have it in rife

I am the grave conquered; a tomb left abandoned
A deep love ascended for hope one can stand in

I am the way; I came to set free
The broken and blind who lacked eyes to see

I am the good news, truth spoken in awe
A grace to replace the chains of the law

I am the keymaster; I came in meek splendor
So I could teach men the way to surrender

I am the gatekeeper who authored redemption
The Passover lamb who made no exception

And all so your stripes could be healed, not afflicted
For mercy to mend the divide once inflicted

So as you reflect on true freedom’s cause
A bridge to the kingdom, forgiveness of flaws

Remember the voice who took nails to flesh
So you could abide in His life afresh

And cherish the triumph so graciously won
The Savior, our King, who declared:

“It is done.”

 Lyrics by: Cameron J. Fry

Photo by: youthareawesome.com

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.


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