
Showing posts from August, 2010

LEGACYouth: 5 Ways to Grow Faith in 2010-11

Five Ways to Grow Faith in 2010-11 1) Expand your world. Expand your territory. Psalms 119:32 - “I run in the path of your commands for you have set my heart free.” (NIV) - “I will pursue your commands, for you expand my understanding.” (NLT) - “I will run the course of your commandments, for you shall enlarge my heart.” (NKJV) Chasing God’s heart and yielding to His authority produces true freedom, which ultimately leads to a divine broadening of our understanding/thinking. By submitting to His boundaries, fixed in love, yet abounding in purpose, our hearts can encounter holy development. A stagnant heart suggests either an embracing of obduracy or a false contentment in merely walking the course. Satan desires us to remain content on merely “wanting to go” – the reciprocal of an Isaiah 6:8 heart. Territory in the Bible often refers to land, nations, physical measures of influence, etc. We see this in numerous occasions, including Job 12:23, Exodus 34:24, and Deute...