
I’ve always loved Christmas lights . The sparkle. The illumination. The flair of color. The whole works. In fact, when I was a toddler, rumor has it I would break down crying if a light burnt out or if a bulb broke (Clearly, I wasn’t aware of a magical, little thing called a spare). Regardless of infant emotions, point is : it didn’t take long for a fascination to spark. And as I grew older, I made it a tradition to put up the outdoor Christmas lines every Black Friday, while the rest of the family focused on internal décor. So as I recently returned to my big box of lights and started decking the brush, I couldn’t help but wonder how Christmas lights are actually fitting reminders as to why we celebrate the season as passionately as we do. For before Christ could come to be the light of the world, there had to be a willing vessel with the faith to contain it . Pretty crazy, eh? To think at any point in history, a teenage girl would accept o...