Parable of a Parody - "Some Nights"

How often are we overcome by the world’s negativity and its effect on us? How often are we overwhelmed by depravity and despair fogging up our understanding of who we are, what we’re supposed to do and why it all matters? Why is it we’re afraid of being known, but also afraid of being overlooked (“I could use some friends for a change, some nights I’m afraid of you’ll forget me again ”)? Why is it we split our spiritual drive in half by occasionally pursuing the right thing the right way and pursuing the right thing the wrong way other times. Should we be surprised to end up dazed and confused, frozen by fear? What will it take for us to realize how turning the light on, even in weakness, is all it takes for God to do something powerful within us. The question then becomes: are we putting ourselves in position to do just that? Are we placing ourselves in situations to look up and reach out when the quicksands of life seek to pull us under? We can become blindly satisfied (“ I was ...